Something I have noticed and it kinda ticks me off...

I see so many sheep today.  Political sheep.  Religious sheep.  Social Sheep.  All thinking that they haven't been brainwashed.  Well Baa-Ram-Ewe Mutha Truckers!  It's quite ridiculous.

Lets start off with guns.  One moron with a gun runs in with tear gas and shoots the place up and what do we want to control?!  Guns!  A gun sitting alone is not a weapon, it is not until you load it and fire it that it becomes a weapon.  I want to know how many people were in that theater.  A hundred?  And withe Wounded 58 and killed 13?  That just tells me the shooter, though obviously committing premeditated murder, had no aim what-so-ever.  The folks who survived with wounds and especially those who were not harmed are very lucky the guy was such a horrible shot.  And who do they blame? The Tea Party?  Really?  While not a member myself I have been to both occupy and tea party rallies and I find the occupy folks to be far more volatile and angry.  So now the government screams gun control.  Seriously?  Lets take guns from those who need them for protection and make them even harder to get.  That's a bit like trying to get rid of obesity by taking cookies off the shelves in health food stores.  It won't do any good.  They will just find them in other places.  When man runs out of guns, he will kill them with knives.  When he runs out of knives, he will kill them with clubs.  When he runs out of clubs, he will kill them with sticks.  When he runs out of sticks he will smother them with the earth.  People are sick and capable of doing horrible things.  No matter what weapon you take away if someone wants to kill you, they will do it with their bare hands.  I don't believe it when they say the only person who can stop rape is the rapist.  I can stop them, by shooting them in the head.

Women are not empowered.  Ladies, I have seen the weakness in you all.  And in myself.  Somewhere in our brains we get this strange idea that we gain power over men with sex.  Well I am here to tell you that is not true, unless you currently have someone inside you.  While he is there, you have the power.  Before and afterwards, he has it.  Why?  Because only he knows if he is going to leave you afterwards. I see so many women who just sleep with anything that moves.  They sleep with their ex boyfriends because they think the power of sex will bring them back.  And for those of you who have gotten past that, I hope you are on birth control.  I have no pity for women who get pregnant at the wrong time.  It is called being responsible.  If you drink poison you might get sick.  If you drink too much you might get drunk.  If you eat the cookie you might gain weight.  If you have sex, no matter the caution, you might get pregnant.  Guess what, when you ate the cookie, you accepted what it would do to your body.  When you have sex you accept the fact you might have a baby. And I am sorry for you poor girls who are in a bad way and couldn't take care of a baby.  Guess what?  Tough shit.  Take responsibility for your own actions for once in your prissy little life and tough out the nine months.  You don't have to keep the baby once it's born.  And what about rape and the trauma of getting pregnant from that?  I am sorry you had to go through that.  But what you are saying is because this terrible thing happened to me I am going to make another terrible thing happen to another person who the government says doesn't matter.  Well guess what?  By the time you realize you are pregnant (unless you are one of those women who instinctively knows the very second it happens) the thing in your belly you are so terrified of has a heartbeat, is breathing, eating, has a mouth, fingernails, toes, lungs, a brain and can feel pain. According to medicine someone is live when they are responsive, breathing, and have a pulse.  TADA you people who have had abortions, you are accessories to murder.

I have it figured out.  According to the pro-abortion folk a baby is only a life when the parents want it.  And I weep for your heartlessness.


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