Shock and awe...

I hate the internet as a whole.  It forces us to interact with people on a very simplistic level.  I guess face to face is too hard sometimes.
Due to the diligent art that is actoring I am forced to spend a great deal of time online, fixing my website, submitting for auditions, uploading auditions, checking to see if those auditions have been looked at.  Usually they are and are very often.  (Kind of excited the fewest number of times my auditions have been viewed is 11)
So today, after not being able to blog at all for months it was exciting to see 533 views on my blog.
I guess to honor that here is an update.

-YAY I get to do my favorite show ever in Raleigh in May!  Soon as I get a SM, A director, a TD and a few other things...pant pant pant.
-I updated my website a little.  Hope this gets me some more work acting.
-I have a full first season in to the WGA that I think is amazing, now to get this producer to take it.
-Friend of mine is trying to make some money building a fan DR who franchise...yay I get to be the Doctor.
-I have something to Film in Aug and Sept.
-I am going to be an aunt again.
-I have a great boyfriend I love very much.
-I have an ok 9-5.
-I have some CPR classes coming up.

Boy I am busy.  Now to shower and do all those things.


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