Confessions of a G-List Actress: Looks like rain!

 The Floodgates opened and I don't know where I am.  Last week was intense.  My acne is on fleek!  I barely slept didn't exercise, couldn't write, and just in general feel like the worst version of myself right now.  I am powering through the best I can.

The acne is from the stress from having to tape over 20 auditions for films and theaters(I still have to tape 2 and hope they will take them a little late), attend 5 in-person auditions, do 3 callbacks, and work the 9to5s.  It is just this time of year.  I still believe in the theory of collective planning.  Everyone wants to do everything at the same time, every year.  (By the way, copywriter.  I want to write a thesis on this and why everyone makes plans at the same time every year.) Everyone is getting their summer season prepared and they want to get their talent.  In some cases, this is the talent for the rest of their season. Plus having to prepare for two film shoots this month, one of which I am directing/starring in. 

Of course, the bill-paying jobs were in full swing and I even had to work on a Sunday this past week.  It was a six-day work week where I worked a full 45 hours at the survival jobs.

This week is a little lighter, but I am happy for the time to prepare to film.  I actually slept in this morning with my husband.  I love sleeping in.

I admit, I have the famine and drought in the back of my mind.  I know it is coming and it reminds me of its existence like a tickle on my brain.

I wish I could take March to May off entirely so I would just be fully free to audition and work.  Oh well.  That is how acting is.  Feast or Famine.  Flood or Drought.  Loving having the rain while I can, even if I am drowning a little.  
