Confessions of a G-List Actress: Down the Oregon Trail
So, I turned an age. An age most seem to be terrified of...the age being 40.
Thankfully I still have the face of a 20 year old, so I am okay. Now, if only the rest of me would step unto the challenge.
It's been an odd week. I drove with my husband to Greenville, SC so he could shoot a commercial gig he got himself. With nothing else to do it seemed like a decent option.
Monday I had a few meetings. Tuesday I sat in the rain on a porch and wrote. I taught a few acting classes. I find it relaxing and can actually sit writing for far longer than my computer will allow. And teaching acting is fun. Wednesday, I groundhog day-ed and did the same. (Side note:I found out Yale Drama can be attended for free. Good to think on.) I got to see a film no one else has seen thanks to our friends who were letting us relax with them. Thursday we drove back.
Yesterday I woke up at 11:20am and looked around wondering what on earth had hit me. I felt like I was hit by a truck. I have been trying for months to get up at a reasonable hour, and by that I mean before 9:30am when I don't have to. I think after years of acting it is just not in me to be up before rehearsal starts. It was nice getting a coffee with my husband. We chatted about life a bit. I went and took my hour long walk. Rehearsal. One more class for the week. The Bear on Hulu.
Then I laid down in bed hoping for a little sleep. It was midnight and my brain was wide awake. I laid there for a bit and at around 1:00am I got this crazed need to play Oregon Trail.
I found the emulator and was in the middle of the desert in Idaho when someone stole all my oxen. I was trying to barter, trade, or hunt to survive. Not one person offered me an ox in like 30 days!I guess that is me. I can be starving in the wilderness and feel no shame in restarting to get to my destination, even if it causes me time and sleep.
Goodnight everyone!
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