Confessions of a G-List Actress: Auditioning

 What do we want?!  A well-paying gig!

When do we want it?! Now!

And hopefully without having to audition.  That is the dream.  Until then we prep monologues and scenes in hopes of being cast.  (Not casted!)  Most famous actors have their own studios and can shoot movies starring themselves and their friends, so the big roles aren't even really auditioned for. 

The rest of us are auditioning for the shorter speaking roles, and we have to fight tooth and nail for that.

Yesterday, on one of my regular Facebook acting pages, I saw 7 different women do the same monologue I have been doing for the past 3 years.  Time to switch to something else and keep that monologue in my back pocket for when it goes out of style, but it shows that we constantly have to be changing.

To be cast is like winning the lottery.  You have similar odds when you start out, honestly.  You need to start thinking of it like a lottery.  The more tickets you have, the more chance you have to win the big prize.

Guess what?  Talent doesn't count as a ticket.  

Classes count as a ticket.  Knowing the right people counts as a ticket.  Auditioning multiple times for the same casting director counts as a ticket.  You are trying to win the lottery and you have to pay for a ticket. 

A man says, "Lord...please! Oh please! Oh please, let me win the Lottery!"

God replies, "Buy a ticket!"

Which reminds me...I have to go buy my tickets!
